Need an editor?You've written the manuscript.
Now, let's polish the text to publishing-house quality.
Expert Editor

Professional editor to top-tier authors, including George R. R. Martin, Terry Brooks, Blake Crouch, and Emily Henry.

Traditional Experience, Contemporary Mind-set
As a production editor at a trade publisher, I learned the elegant, organized systems that transform a manuscript into a gorgeous print book. From organizing freelance editors to coordinating with designers, finagling a production schedule to working on edits with authors, I ensured that the author was delighted with the results while the publisher received a high-quality, flawless final product.
I have a Certificate in Editing, where I learned the hard skills of professional editing. And I’ve bolstered this expertise with 15 years working in publishing and editing almost 500 titles, including dozens by best-selling authors and prestigious award winners.
While I still work with many traditional book publishers, it’s especially satisfying to help indie authors achieve that trade-publishing polish.
I consider myself a recovered digital nomad. My home base is the artsy, coffee-fueled Seattle, but over the last decade, I’ve had the opportunity to spend weeks or months a year working and living abroad (including Bali, New Orleans, Hong Kong, Taipei, and Rome). Why should you care?

An Editor for Authors
Above all, I respect an author’s creative vision, and I am determined to help them finesse their work to get it even closer to that vision.
I get it!
I have an MFA in Prose, myself, and have been awarded multiple prizes for my writing, including a recent Honorable Mention in Glimmer Train‘s Very Short Fiction Contest. I’ve taught creative writing at the university level, and I surround myself with talented writers I’m lucky to call friends. (Writers make great company, after all!)
I know the struggle; I know how hard and exhilarating it is to create a manuscript; and I’m here to help!
A Selection of Editorial Projects
I've edited almost 500 titles, from award-winning literary fiction to best-selling romances, sci-fi and fantasy epics to translated thrillers.
Click a genre to see more manuscripts I've worked on.
“You truly helped this manuscript shine far brighter than if I’d been left on my own polishing away.”
SHANNON MAYER, best-selling author -
“To Michelle Hope Anderson, my American copyeditor, who has ensured the book is the best it could be.”
ELISABETH STORRS, award-winning author -
“Michelle Hope Anderson for her deft and nuanced copy edit.”
G. DEREK ADAMS, author -
“fantastic, thoughtful, and detailed job with a very long manuscript”
“Michelle Hope Anderson is an editorial delight.”
BRENDA PETERSON, best-selling author & SARAH JANE FREEMAN, award-winning literary agent -
“Thank you Michelle Hope Anderson for your efficacious, cheerful, and instructive communication.”
JEN KATZINGER, cookbook author -
“Thanks as always for the great work and for making for happy authors.”
KURT STEPHAN, Managing Editor -
“Michelle Hope Anderson, the copy editor, whose attention to fine detail is amazing.”
L. A. FIORE, author -
“And to Michelle Hope Anderson for a terrific copyedit.”
BLAKE CROUCH, author of the best-selling Wayward Pines series